About Taylor

Horses have been the foundation of my entire life. Growing up, I knew my future would be “at the barn”, but the title and capacity was still vague. I never really planned on getting into farriery, but life has a funny way of putting you where you’re meant to be. I blame my obsession with hoof care on my mentor and dear friend, Casey Sexton (North Georgia Hoof Care). She took over my mare’s case while we were rehabbing some higher up obstacles, and quickly exposed some below the hairline issues that were insidiously brewing. Casey was my first real barefoot trimmer experience and boy did she set that bar. Her passion and spirit really paved the way for me to find my love of hoof care. Until then, I had NO idea about feet. You pick them. What else is there to do? I quickly learned the laundry list of answers to that question. 

At the time, I was working as a psychometrist (psychological evaluator) in private practice and as an adjunct professor (I have my MS in clinical psychology). While I love these careers, and still do them while running my farrier practice (just to a lighter degree), I knew hoof care was becoming a very loud factor for me. Casey graciously took me on as an apprentice to give me the most solid foundation one could ask for (she apprenticed with the great Pete Ramey). To complement my apprenticeship, I attended a slew of continuing education clinics, webinars, courses, consumption of literature, etc. (full list of education provided below) Continuing education is a critical pillar of my practice and will always be a priority. Since my apprenticeship, I have geared my training towards Daisy Bicking’s methodologies and philosophies (International School of Integrative Hoof Care and Daisy Haven Farm). Daisy’s mentorship and training have been a profound driver in the success of my practice and ability to help horses on a variety of levels. 

When I’m not working at my practice, you can find me at the barn with my homebred mare. I’m an avid rider and competitor, with a focus on dressage. We recently earned our USDF Bronze medal and have hopes of achieving our Silver medal. 

A woman is riding a horse in a dressage arena.
A woman is riding a horse next to a dog.
July 2020 Therasage EMC Equine Sport Massage Therapy Certification
October 2020 Pete Ramey Clinic
November 2020 Daisy Haven Farm Hoof Workshop
December 2020 Daisy Haven Farm Business and Customer Management Seminar
January 2021 PHCP Shoe removal, Booting, casting, power tools, anatomy, dissection
September 2021 David Landreville Hoof Building Clinic
December 2021 Institute of Applied Equine Podiatry: Applied Equine Podiatry Practical Course
2021 Daisy Bicking: Foundation online hoof care and trimming course
2021 PHCP: WTF? What the Founder?
2021 Ann Ramsey Equine Rehabilitation: Recognizing and Preventing Lameness
2021 Foundational Sozo Equine Kinesiology Taping Online Masterclass
October 2021 Equine Documentalist: Barefoot vs Shod- Balancing the debate with science
April 2022 The Humble Hoof Equine Podiatry Clinic
May 2022 PHCP: Carol Layton - The Smart Way to Feed Horses
February 2023 Equus-soma: Sharon May Davis whole horse dissection
May 2023 Dr. Gerd Heuschmann symposium
August 2023 PHCP: Utilizing Hoof Imaging in your Trimming Decisions
September 2023 Daisy Haven Farm Hoof Workshop
February 2024 PHCP: Dr. Tomas Teskey on the Equine Dental-Body Connection
March 2024 Dr. Kyla Awes, DC: Equine cervical spine seminar
April 2024 Equus Soma Osteology & Anatomy Learning Center: Sharon May Davis Lecture
July 2024 Equine Documentalist: Lumbosacral - Biomechanics and Hoof Morphology - Maren Diehl
October 2024 Ida Hammer clinic
February 2025 Daisy Bicking/ISIH: Chronic Laminitis and Managing Hoof Infection Educational Experience
Program Mentor Daisy Bicking’s International School of Integrative Hoofcare